Innovating our Insights
Optical Laser Communication

Satellite Tracking

위성 정밀 추적

We understand the importance of precise and accurate tracking of satellites.
Our tracking precision ensures that our communication is reliable and secure, making us a leader in the field of optical ground station

Optical Communication

광통신 터미널

Our optical communication terminal receives and translates data transmitted via laser pulses from satellites, through the use of advanced optical detection, modulation, and fiber optic technology.

Adaptive Optics

적응 광학 시스템

Our technology uses fast-steering mirrors for small telescopes and deformable mirros for large telescopes, to overcome atmospheric challenges and ensure stable and accurate optical laser communication. 

Satellite Tracking Performance 위성 정밀 추적

RMS < 3 arcsec, within 10 arcsec for 2 minutes

Free-Space Optical Communication 자유공간 광통신 실험

Blocking Test of 10G Live streaming at a distance of 20km, @BOAO

FSOC with 10Gbps at a distance of 3km, @Osong

Adaptive Optics 적응 광학

Stabilizing the received beam by FSM(Fast-Steering Mirror)

MOU Partners

Astronomy Research Center

Research Institude of Space Technology